Saturday, April 26, 2008

My 10 things

The rules:

  • Each blogger starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves

  • Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 10 things and post these rules

  • At the end of your blog, you need to choose 10 people to get tagged and list their names

  • Don't forget to leave them a comment telling they're tagged, and to read your blog


1. My favorite numbers are prime numbers. My jersey number is always 19, if you ask me for a number between 1-10, it'll probably be 1,3,5, or 7, and I usually enumerate in 3's (in fact, I'm struggling to think of a second thing right now. I actually wrote this third example second).

2. When I hear a spoken phrase which is also a lyric, I automatically sing the song.

3. I spell check, re-read, and edit before I send out emails or post stuff.

4. I plan to go to all the relevant travel places in the Philippines before 2010. After which, I'm off to see the world. (I've also started with SEA)

5. If I could do college all over again, I'd be in COMTECH not MIS.

6. Yes, I root for Ateneo in UAAP basketball games (and in any other form of competition for that matter). And if any La Salle kid gives me a tough time about it, I just brush them off with the fact that I've been in La Salle for 13 years.

7. I usually don't post in Multiply, but I'm doing this list cause it's early on a Saturday morning and I'm feeling a bit introspective, I just woke up and have nothing better to do, and I got tagged damnit!

8. I actually have around 13 different blogs (none updated regularly) but only 4 are public. I prefer to have a different blog for a different theme.

9. I secretly want to be in the 'arts' industry. I like writing & photography (and dream of doing both for a living), I'd like to try out film production, and I secretly want to act and sing. Haha! But hey, the corporate world has its rewards too, so that compensates for it. =P I am a willing corporate slave.

10. My Thursday nights are non-negotiable basketball nights. I have to and will play unless I'm out of town. Although my Saturdays and Sundays aren't necessarily non-negotiable, I usually don't take trips on weekends or come back to  Manila by Saturday morning just to play Ultimate.