Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Browsers: Mozilla and Google

After the Google IPO and Gmail, it looks like a Google browser is next in line. Ooohh, I wonder what that's going to be like. It's reported that they'll be building on the open source Mozilla browser.

I am a recent convert to Firefox. I install it on any computer I touch. (so most of the office computers already have Firefox) As far as I'm concerned, it's less buggy than Internet Explorer. I have also grown to love the tabs feature. The only scary thing about it is that its default setting is to accept all cookies. I don't know why. It also wants to remember all my passwords, which is weird. Wouldn't computer nerds (the people who live and die using open source software esp. Linux, OpenOffice, Mozilla) be concerned about privacy issues?

Back to the Google Browser, I wonder what it will be able to do. Knowing Google, I am hoping for the best.

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