Thursday, September 30, 2004

UAAP champions

A sign from the La Salle crowd read: the championship is back to Taft

Hehe. Congratulations to the Green Archers! You are the championship!


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Anonymous said...

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even though its not an exact fit. Well let me contribute
to your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Robert Orben: "To err is human - and to
blame it on a computer is even more so. - Robert Orben
Informative Post, thanks for the read and nice

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on your excellent website when I was searching for
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even though its not an exact fit. Let me contribute
to your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Thomas Jefferson: "To err is human - and to
blame it on a computer is even more so. - Robert Orben
Informative Post, thanks for the read and nice

Anonymous said...

Hello there sanpao, I’m out surfing for a good blog
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around Japanese computers? " -- Walter F. Mondale
Excellent Post, thank you for the read.

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to think like computers. " - Sydney J. Harris

Anonymous said...

sanpao, today I was looking for a nice blog
experience on spybot and I found your website.
UAAP champions wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but it
did get my attention and interest. I see why I arrived
on your excellent blog when I was searching for
spybot related information and I’m glad I did
even though its not an exact fit. Well let me contribute
to your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Robert Orben: "To err is human - and to
blame it on a computer is even more so. - Robert Orben
Informative Post, thanks for the read and nice

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and greatest information on addaware se and found your
great site. Although UAAP champions wasn’t specifically
what I was looking for it definitely got my interest
and attention. I see now why I found your interesting
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information and I’m grateful I found your site even
though its not a perfect match. Great Post, thanks
for your informative site, Here’s my favorite quote
for you - "The real danger is not that computers
will begin to think like men, but that men will begin
to think like computers. " - Sydney J. Harris

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