Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Form and Substance

Surprisingly (but not really because it is news) Yahoo! News reports that Google's stock value has already closed higher than Yahoo's. I didn't understand the rest of the article, but the first few paragraphs said it all.

However, because I don't like how Google news is filtered to my gmail, since I found out that Yahoo has Fantasy NBA, and after I got the news report linked above from my Yahoo! messenger news content tab, I realize how dependent I am on Yahoo's services. A few days ago, I was imagining how Google would take over Yahoo. Now, I realize that Yahoo is the defending content champion and is sure to put up a great fight against the up and coming challenger.

I guess part of Yahoo's economies of scale is their experience in the biz and their already proven skill of merging services effectively. I can't seem to imagine Google reaching that same level. It's almost like Yahoo is fun and Google is for nerds albeit the nerds are more technologically and technically sound.

Either way, no matter how this goes, as long as both services remain free, it spells good news to all of us.

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