Saturday, February 19, 2005

Things men believe they can do

I found this list on (which is a very good site specially considering that I know women who use it as reference). Anyway, I found the article so true. I do think I can do all these things. Hehe. Amazing.
  1. Despite having no training or experience, we could drive a Formula 1 car -- and win.
  2. Given the time to train and the financial injection, we could be Batman.
  3. We could be models if we really wanted to.
  4. Given the chance to get to know us, all supermodels and actresses would swoon.
  5. Lightning will never strike us.
  6. We need more gadgets.
  7. We don't need no stinkin' maps.
  8. We can fix anything.
We are men, hear us roar.

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