Sunday, May 22, 2005

Mossimo Bikini Summit

This is so sad.

It's always fun to watch beauty pageants. You get "pretty" people who flaunt their stuff. Some people think that these contests focus too much on physical appearance. Well I say, it's not so bad at all. The real gem in these "summits" are in the question & answer portions. That's where you find out how shallow and dumb these "beauties" are.

How do you justify glorifying your body? (and just your body because as the interviews show, that's all they really have) Reading through the answers and attitudes of the contestants you also get to differentiate between the dumb, the sluts, and the just plain clueless.

"I have a beautiful body and I will flaunt it for the country to see." Yes, we can all see your beautiful body. We can also see all the other interesting and worthwhile aspects of your life and personality--or the lack of it.


Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against beautiful bodies. I love them. I'm just against empty heads, shallow lives, and lifelong delusions.

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