1) Enviga - Calorie burning iced tea, from the makers of Nestea and Coke.
2) Sunset at Anilao - Yes, another sunset shot--I just can't get enough of those. Am serious about taking diving certification. Am already screening rates, places, and dates.
3) 2008 Corolla - This is the concept for the 2008 Corolla. Hopefully, by that time, I would have a 'budget' to get one. Official statement from Toyota is they moved the release of the all-new Corolla (leaving the Civic with a lot of breathing room) because their engineers were too busy with the new Camry. And seeing the new Camry, the 2008 Corolla should be a sight for sore eyes.
4) 2007 Honda CR-V - It's a whole lot curvier than the previous ones. No, I won't have enough budget for something like this in the next 5 years but I just want to point out that there's a new one. I wonder if there's a pretty RAV-4 in the works.
5) Nokia E65 - Due out later this year, this is Nokia's first attempt at a slim slide-up phone. It being a candy bar is a bit of a drag, but it's slim and slides up and it's Nokia so that must be a good thing right?
6) Samsung Ultra Edition U600 - Staying at pace with the leaders in the slim-phone range, Samsung comes up with a slim, slide-up with a large screen.
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