Thursday, December 16, 2004

Sincere but stupid

Susan Roces just spoke her heart out on national TV. Yes, she was sincere and she just lost her husband, but as she said, she lost her poise and that was the end of her. At one point, she said that she vows to say what she's always wanted to say but couldn't because her husband wouldn't allow her to. Many people portray FPJ as dumb, but it seems like he's the smarter half of their marriage.
Life is simple. Running lives isn't. Government and politics is complicated. Business is dirty. Who is she kidding? Isn't she being a hypocrite? Or is she too shallow to realize that too?

Okay, she is very hurt right now, the entire country grieves with the loss of her husband. But that is the end of her. She knows nothing about the game of life. This is not the beginning Ms. Susan. Ironically, that was the end of her too.

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