Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Streaming video to my HD TV

I used to own an HP laptop. To watch movies on my TV, I just connected my laptop to the TV via a VGA cord. It worked pretty well, except that my laptop was all the way beside the TV and to control any features I had to crawl towards my console. I actually thought of buying an expensive wireless mouse to solve that problem.

Well, that laptop is dead and I now own a MacBook Pro. And as you MBP users know, we don't have VGA ports.

Been watching video on my laptop the past few months, while my TV gloats in the background. Decided to maximize my assets. So I searched around for an alternative and found the WD TV LIVE.
Seems like a good idea.

First of all, it's pretty cheap.

Second, it plays a wide range of file formats. The only exception would be "protected" file formats, but what pirate would have that right?

It also has a remote control and a DVD-like UI.

I'm looking at buying one this week and looking forward to testing it out soon.

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