Monday, August 23, 2004

Childhood memories

Me and my dad were talking over dinner about computers and such when we remembered our first ever home computer. Like most of you, our first PC was an IBM XT clone.

Oohhh yeaah!!!

It had less than 100kb of memory, a green and white screen, two 5.25" floppy disk drives, and a killer hard drive—with 2 megabytes baby!!! Of course, since I had a hard disk before I even knew how to divide, I considered myself a cool kid. Too bad there weren't too many computer kids when I was growing up. I could have used those ego boosts.

If only I had an add-on math processor, imagine the things I could have done. lol.

My home PC is lethargic. It's a 736 Mhz P3 with 384 MB of ram running XP. Sure I have DSL and a 17" monitor, but doesn't everyone have those these days? I have 2 hard disks with a combined capacity of 60 GB, but have less than 7 GB free. I probably have another 60 GB of data stored in my CDs though. My setup may not be perfect, but it does what it has to do. I can't complain.

...well, not too much at least. As long as I have DSL, my GeForce4, my CD writer, and a functioning sound card, I'll survive.


McBean said...

We had one of these. I think it actually caught on fire one day.

Unknown said...

Yey! We had one like that too! And I used to play computer games that were on 5 1/2 floppy discs..wheel of fortune, puzzles, etc. Astig projects ko nung prep because of our pc..hehehe ;)